Team coaching


Create successful teams

Teams in organisations come in many shapes and sizes. Some are clearly defined and linked to particular functions within the organisation, others are less permanent and more agile and project-related. Some are highly successful, many just about get the job done and others are completely dysfunctional.

The aim is to create a team culture which not only delivers high performance but also nurtures and respects every single team member.

None of this is possible without building trust and creating psychological safety.


Grow successful Teams

Team coaching firmly places a team with in the wider systemic context of an organisation.

Stakeholder expectations, the broader context and signposts such as company mission, values and goals provide the framework.


Working with groups

  • The team is enabled to refine and define its purpose, tasks and processes.

  • A major focus is on improving cooperation within the team and on developing sustainable ways of working.

  • Engagement and motivation of all team members is a crucial factor in all of this.